Getting Online Visitors: Completely Free And Fun Strategies To Build Traffic

Is low traffic affecting your site’s profitability? Are you an online marketer who is having a tough time making your product or service known? If the above questions relate to you, then you have come to the right place. With the right know-how, you can entice more people to your site and increase your popularity. Here are several free sources for how you can get more traffic to your website.

Facebook is a giant among the social media sites. The size and interconnected nature of Facebook offers huge potential. Through the network, you connect to people you know or those who are interested in your site. They each connect to their own circle of friends. Your friends have access to your page, links, comments and more. Depending on a user’s settings, others can view the links as well. With this kind of connection, you stand a much greater chance of extending your presence.

Savvy marketers are exploding the size of their customer base with this powerhouse in the world of social media. Facebook is helping them attract attention, make intimate connections, and funnel people to a site or newsletter opt-in. If you have yet to establish an account on Facebook, you are missing out on a plethora of benefits.

Twitter is a near cousin to Facebook. Using Twitter, a company can generate thousands of followers. Using online software or personal effort, you can grow a follower base that shares similar interests. Then you will be able to share quality links that you feel would interest your followers. Naturally, posting excessive links or constantly blasting your followers with marketing messages will cause a number of them to unfollow you. You will get out what you put in, nothing more.

Another way to glean free traffic is through a social bookmarking Service. Sites like Digg are less popular than the two kings of the social media world, but they can still serve you well. On your social bookmarking sites, you may be able to set up a profile. You then add links to the site based on interesting things you find on the web. You’d be foolish not to add your own sites to the mix. People can comment on links, follow your recommendations, or rate your sites, depending on the functions of each social bookmarking site.

Article marketing is becoming an increasingly effective means of generating site traffic. The article you submit to an article site, such as HubPages, will have a link to the location of your choice listed in the author box. By writing a quality article that is not a masked sales presentation, you will get noticed by those interested in the topic about which you write. Readers might link to it from their own sites. Others might post your article on a social site. They might also go directly through your link to your site where they could become loyal followers.

It is also very effective to leave comments on blogs. Blogs permeate every niche, and bloggers often interact with one another, even promoting other blogs in the process. Leaving comments gets your link in front of the readers of another person’s blog. If visitors are interested in what you have to say, all they need to do is click on the link which you have left along with your comment. Many people have generated pre-qualified, interested traffic to their sites by being active readers and commenters at other blogs.

Joining or participating in a discussion board or forum is very important to get noticed. The most effective traffic-generating forums will be within your niche. Forums generally require a membership and approval before you can participate, in order to maintain a legitimate membership. The general idea of a board or forum is to be helpful to other members in the board, so avoid the temptation to be spammy. When visitors find your comments useful, they start to refer you to others.

Folks, use the above techniques and get traffic for your website. Do not let laziness or intimidation hold you back. The time to profit in online marketing is now, but you need the traffic to get there. Go after the traffic today.

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